Benchmark name When Created
Compare basic loop speed 7 years ago
Compare basic loop speed 7 years ago
Compare basic loop speed 7 years ago
Compare basic loop speed 7 years ago
if vs && comparison

if vs && comparison

7 years ago
Include vs Binary search in sorted array 7 years ago
WenApp Test2 7 years ago
WenApp Test2

var option1 = "import", option2 = "pepetest", testR = new RegExp("[import|config]"), testC = ['import', 'config'];

7 years ago
WenApp Test2

var option1 = "import", option2 = "pepetest", testR = new RegExp("[import|config]"), testC = ['import', 'config'];

7 years ago
External eq() vs Internal

Testing performance if the eq() selector in JS

7 years ago
WebApp Test 7 years ago
index of 7 years ago
reduce vs loop 7 years ago
reduce vs loop 7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago
object property existance

checks the existance of an object property by various ways

7 years ago
Floor Min 7 years ago
stack test recursion 7 years ago
loop vs recursion 7 years ago
loop vs recursion 7 years ago
loopvsmap 7 years ago
Summing an object 7 years ago
test jquery selector id


7 years ago
Array Assignment 7 years ago

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