Benchmark name When Created
Lodash vs Ramda 6 years ago
document.querySelectorAll (from document) vs parent.querySelectorAll (from an element)

Comparing speed of that on a large sample HTML document.

6 years ago
document.querySelector (from document) vs parent.querySelector (from an element)

Comparing speed of that on a large sample HTML document.

6 years ago
document.getElementsByClassName (from document) vs parent.getElementsByClassName (from an element)

Comparing speed of that on a large sample HTML document.

6 years ago
document.getElementById vs GetChildElementById

Comparing speed of getting element by id with two different methods.

6 years ago
document.getElementById vs GetChildElementById

Comparing speed of getting element by id with two different methods.

6 years ago
document.getElementById vs GetChildElementById

Comparing speed of getting element by id with two different methods.

6 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

6 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

6 years ago
Destructuring assignment vs lodash

Destructuring assignment vs lodash performance measure

6 years ago
Ramda vs. Lodash

Compares performance on the same task using Lodash vs two styles of Ramda vs two styles of "native" Javascript. In all cases the task is pulling "counter" property from each item in an array, filtering out odd items, squaring them, then returning those squared values that have less than two digits.

6 years ago
setAttribute/removeAttribute vs. classList.add/remove 6 years ago
Which equals operator (== vs ===) is faster?

Is there a performance benefit to replacing == with ===?

6 years ago

Array.isArray vs Object.prototype.toString vs [].constructor vs instanceof

6 years ago
addClass/removeClass vs classList.add/remove

jQuery addClass/removeClass vs classList.add/remove

6 years ago
jQuery 3.3.1 selector vs jQuery 2.1.4 vs document.querySelector vs document.getElementById

Comparing speed of jQuery 3.3.1 selector, jQuery 2.1.4, vanilla JS querySelector, and vanilla JS getElementById

6 years ago
floatThead v2.1.2 vs floatThead 1.2.12

floatThead performance

6 years ago
jQuery 3.3.1 selector vs document.querySelector

Comparing speed of jQuery 3.3.1 selector and vanilla JS querySelector

6 years ago
jQuery 2.1.4 selector vs document.querySelector

Comparing speed of jQuery 2.1.4 selector and vanilla JS querySelector

6 years ago
Encode html without creating html elements

There are two way of encoding html elements. One is the create an html element and let the browser handle it. The second looks at every character passed in and then runs a regex match on it and replaces the chars with &#CHAR_CODE;.

6 years ago
filter: ramda vs native 6 years ago
Regex vs .indexOf vs .startsWith vs .substr

Testing some things

6 years ago
Spread operator vs. and lodash.set

A comparison of the performance of the spread operator, [ ...array ], vs. => ...) and

6 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs splice 1 6 years ago
Optional Chaining versus _.get lodash 6 years ago

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