Benchmark name When Created
slice vs filter 6 years ago
Instanciation vs object 6 years ago
Instanciation vs object 6 years ago
lodash vs for-of vs forEach 6 years ago
lodash.each vs Object.forEach 6 years ago
Binary search property vs. delegate 6 years ago
Binary search property vs. delegate 6 years ago
Binary search property vs. delegate 6 years ago
Binary search with and without a delegate 6 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

6 years ago
Object.assign vs SPREAD 6 years ago
Object.assign vs SPREAD vs lodash assignIn 6 years ago
Array.slice vs Array.concat 6 years ago
Array.slice vs Array.concat 6 years ago
lodash map vs Object.keys map

lodash map vs Object.keys map

6 years ago
lodash map vs Object.keys map

lodash map vs Object.keys map

6 years ago vs

Approaches performance

6 years ago
Object.assign vs Lodash.assign

Measuring approaches performance

6 years ago
slice i for 6 years ago
slice i for 6 years ago
slice i for 6 years ago
slice i for 6 years ago
slice i for 6 years ago
Native XHR vs jQuery Ajax

Same as this: but without some test cases since IE11 can't run them

6 years ago
jQuery .first() vs :first vs .filter(:first) vs .eq(0) vs $(.get(0)) vs $([0]) vs :eq(0) 6 years ago

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