Benchmark name When Created
Ramda vs. Lodash2

Compares performance on the same task using Lodash vs two styles of Ramda vs two styles of "native" Javascript. In all cases the task is pulling "counter" property from each item in an array, filtering out odd items, squaring them, then returning those squared values that have less than two digits.

6 years ago
int int int 6 years ago
Javascript Sorting Algorithms

Port from jsperf(

6 years ago
Shuffle duration on large arrays 6 years ago
ES6+ vs JQuery select attribute

Compares the performance of ES6+ in Chrome (mid-2018) against JQuery for selecting an element by ID and then getting one of its attributes.

6 years ago
innerhtml vs removechild(firstChild) vs removechild(lastChild) vs innerText 6 years ago
Array filter vs. for loop (fixed)test 6 years ago
isFunction vs typeof function 5

isFunction vs typeof function

6 years ago
isFunction vs typeof function 2

isFunction vs typeof function

6 years ago
isFunction vs typeof function

isFunction vs typeof function

6 years ago
Array loop vs foreach vs map vs for -- 6 years ago
document.querySelector vs jQuery

As the name.

6 years ago
create element test


6 years ago
Angular clone vs Lodash cloneDeep vs JSON Clone 6 years ago
New Jquery, Vanilla event listen 6 years ago
Old Jquery, Vanilla event listen 6 years ago
new Jquery, Vanilla hide show 6 years ago
Old Jquery, Vanilla hide show 6 years ago
lodash difference vs js filter 6 years ago
lodash.each vs Object.forEach test 6 years ago
lodash.each vs Object.forEachx 6 years ago
lodash.each vs ES6 FOR vs Native - v.2 6 years ago
lodash.each vs ES6 for 6 years ago
lodash.each vs ES6 Object iteration 6 years ago
ramda vs splice 6 years ago

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