Benchmark name When Created
if vs ternary 6 years ago
2-tier vs 3-tier Object.assign vs 3-tier spread vs 3-tier constructor

This demonstrates the difference in performance between 2-tier architectures, which simply return database objects through controllers from the repositories vs 3-tier architectures which run some sort of service layer mapping to obfuscate unnecessary db information from both the controller layer and, subsequently, the front-end. Such mapping logic will ideally use Object.assign, the spread operator, or perhaps an explicit constructor mapping.

6 years ago
JS cloning benchmark 6 years ago


6 years ago
Deep Clone Performance - JSON vs Lodash vs Ramda vs Native 6 years ago
createTextNode vs textContent vs innerText vs innerHTML 6 years ago
Lodash each vs native Object.keys.forEach 6 years ago
concat vs [...spread] 6 years ago
delete vs omit 6 years ago
querySelectorAll - vs - getElementsByClassName 6 years ago
Moz lodash map vs es6 map 6 years ago
Object Deep Copy Test3

Produce a deep copy of a Javascript object where nested objects are not simply references to the originals.

6 years ago
> vs == 6 years ago
Which operator (== vs >) is faster?

Is there a performance benefit to replacing == with >?

6 years ago
Map (Native vs Ramda vs Lodash vs Immutable) - sample size 100

measures the speed of ramda's map vs Array's native map vs lodash map vs Immutable map

6 years ago vs 6 years ago vs. 6 years ago
array find vs for loop

Pour antho & babtou

6 years ago
Caching length property vs getting it each time in the loop, modern

save length of the array in the variable vs get it the loop

6 years ago
Checking for presence of object key 6 years ago
Concat vs Spread on two arrays 6 years ago
array spread vs concat vs push in reduce 6 years ago
Array creation - 09/08/2018

Comparison of raw Array creation before calling Array.prototype.fill and Array.from.

6 years ago
Merge list of objects 6 years ago
foreach vs map run run run 6 years ago

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