Benchmark name When Created
spread array performance (vs slice, splice, concat) 5 years ago
startsWith vs string array 5 years ago
spread array performance (vs slice, splice, and concat) 5 years ago
startsWith & endsWith vs test 5 years ago
lodash.keys vs Object.keys with a large object 5 years ago


5 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator no jQuery

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

5 years ago
Performance test by id (js vs jquery vs zepto vs bliss vs umbrella) 5 years ago
Reduce with regex vs reduce with contains 5 years ago
is Equal array test

Test on isEqual performance

5 years ago
Native Test by wasim 5 years ago
For Loop vs recursion 5 years ago
Lodash vs Native reduce on object 2 5 years ago
Lodash vs Native reduce on object x100 5 years ago
Lodash reduce vs Lodash Each 5 years ago
Teste1-1 5 years ago
Teste1 5 years ago
eval vs json parse use case 5 years ago
_.isEqual vs toString() vs JSON.stringify

Test on isEqual performance

5 years ago

Test on isEqual performance

5 years ago
find() vs for...of vs for-loop

Testing the difference between native loops and find()

5 years ago
lodash assign again vs object.assign vs spread 5 years ago
Object.assign vs spread operator 21414 5 years ago
IndexOfAll - Reduce vs For 2


5 years ago
IndexOfAll - Reduce vs For


5 years ago

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