Benchmark name When Created
Object.assign vs spread operator ohne jquery 5 years ago
Vanilla, Cash, jQuery, Zepto, Bliss, Umbrella, Ext - JS Library Performance Test 5 years ago
pick first key of objecT: lodash vs Object.keys vs 5 years ago
lodash.keys [4.17.11] vs Object.keys 5 years ago
Lodash: clone vs cloneDeep vs JSON 5 years ago
checker 5 years ago
Lodash merge vs lodash assign 5 years ago
getElementById vs querySelector v

Test performance of different ways of get just one particular DOM element

5 years ago
getElementById vs querySelector vs getElementsByClassName

Test performance of different ways of get just one particular DOM element

5 years ago
Test performance of different ways of get just one particular DOM element

getElementById vs getElementsByTagName vs querySelector vs getElementsByClassName vs getElementsByName

5 years ago
Class vs ID 5 years ago
Lodash sort vs array.prototype.sort small sample 5 years ago
Spread operator vs array push 5 years ago
array find vs some

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

5 years ago
pipe (2 flavors) vs compose 5 years ago
eval vs new Functionxx 5 years ago
eval vs new Functionx 5 years ago
eval vs Function 5 years ago
JQuery version speed test 1.7.2 5 years ago
map n times 1 operation VS map 1 times n operation 5 years ago
Изменение строки 5 years ago
Spread Performance for Object & Arrays 2 5 years ago
Native vs Lodash.js contains / fork 5 years ago
Filter-Map: Lodash vs Nati 5 years ago
For and Inverse For Loops 5 years ago

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