Benchmark name When Created


4 years ago
_.isEqual vs JSON.stringify performance

Test on isEqual performance

4 years ago
Adding value to array efficiency 4 years ago
json v string 4 years ago
Array.prototype.slice vs spread operator fixed sdgertgwertwert23452345wert2345

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional slice() method

4 years ago
turdturd 4 years ago
() => this.something() vs this.something.bind(this)

() => this.something() vs this.something.bind(this)

4 years ago
Testing stuff 4 years ago
HTML Strip Regex 4 years ago
Johans 4 years ago
eval vs new Function longer calculation

compares eval and new Function with a longer calculation than original to reduce impact of function calls

4 years ago
lodash forEach vs reduce

var x = _.reduce(users, function (o) { return o.age < 40; }) console.log(x);

4 years ago
mój test


4 years ago
Math pow and double asterix 4 years ago
Nothing QWERTY 4 years ago
Array loop vs foreach vs map station 4 years ago
native find vs lodash _.find es6

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

4 years ago
teteteteteeetet 4 years ago
Array.from vs Spread with undefined and map

Compare using Array.from vs Spread syntax to create an array with a fixed length and then map over it

4 years ago
jQuery vs javascript loop

Comparing speed of getting element by id with jQuery vs Vanilla JS

4 years ago
Ramda sort vs. native sort 4 years ago
Petuwok1 4 years ago
SpreadVSPush 4 years ago
Fly Json ODM - 1.8.4 Browser

Benchmark using Fly Json ODM in browser for 1million json array

4 years ago
lodash equal

primitive equality test

4 years ago

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