is the website to create and run JavaScript benchmarks. It uses BenchmarkJS (v.2.1.1) as a test runner.

Click Create Benchmark to get started

 Create benchmark Latest benchmarks Your benchmarks

Help to improve this website

Please report any issues or make suggestions on the projec'ts GitHub page. Also feel free to join development effort, source code available on GitHub.

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Open Source & Cross platform

This website was built using Microsoft .Net Core and can be ran & developed on Windows/Linux/Mac. (instructions about how to get started in building and running it locally will be posted later)

How to run the application on Linux using PostgreSQL as a database

Change log:

v1.0.48.0 (12/20/2017)

  • Release after long pause
  • Improved performance
  • Better pagination

v1.0.41.0 (9/9/2016)

  • Support local accounts (in addition to OpenId providers) (#37)
  • Multiple bug fixes.

v1.0.38.0 (9/7/2016)

  • Show info to the user that benchmark will be posted as guest and unable to edit (#45)
  • Edit button for the owner on the Show page (#46)
  • Fix alignment of the latest benchmarks & history sections on the home page bug (#48)
  • Use correct benchmark version when saving result bug (#44)

v1.0.36.0 (9/2/2016)

  • Fixed bug with 404 error which made adding new benchmarks impossible (lesson learned: do not make late night deployment when tired :( ))

v1.0.34.0 (9/2/2016)

  • Ability to edit own benchmarks (user must be authenticated)

v1.0.33.0 (9/1/2016)

  • Authentication not needed to create benchmarks
  • Fixed bug when test case parsing (Server was unable to read input provided by user when user delted some test case.)
  • "My" benchmarks now ordered by date when they were created.

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