HTML Preparation code:
Script Preparation code:
  • isEmpty empty array

  • length empty array

  • custom isEmpty empty array

  • isEmpty array of strings

  • length array of strings

  • custom isEmpty array of strings

  • isEmpty array of objects

  • length empty array of objects

  • custom isEmpty array of objects

  • isEmpty empty string

  • length empty string

  • custom isEmpty empty string

  • isEmpty filled string

  • length filled string

  • custom isEmpty filled string

Rendered benchmark preparation results:

Suite status: <idle, ready to run>

Previous results
  • Test case name Result
    isEmpty empty array
    length empty array
    custom isEmpty empty array
    isEmpty array of strings
    length array of strings
    custom isEmpty array of strings
    isEmpty array of objects
    length empty array of objects
    custom isEmpty array of objects
    isEmpty empty string
    length empty string
    custom isEmpty empty string
    isEmpty filled string
    length filled string
    custom isEmpty filled string

    Fastest: N/A

    Slowest: N/A

Latest run results:
Run details: (Test run date: 3 months ago)
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Chrome 128 on Mac OS X 10.15.7
View result in a separate tab
Test name Executions per second
isEmpty empty array 5771096.5 Ops/sec
length empty array 12807301.0 Ops/sec
custom isEmpty empty array 4328196.0 Ops/sec
isEmpty array of strings 5860886.5 Ops/sec
length array of strings 12942596.0 Ops/sec
custom isEmpty array of strings 3597737.5 Ops/sec
isEmpty array of objects 5778838.0 Ops/sec
length empty array of objects 12926015.0 Ops/sec
custom isEmpty array of objects 3725741.2 Ops/sec
isEmpty empty string 7034078.5 Ops/sec
length empty string 13014347.0 Ops/sec
custom isEmpty empty string 5848943.5 Ops/sec
isEmpty filled string 7011779.0 Ops/sec
length filled string 12951113.0 Ops/sec
custom isEmpty filled string 5724815.5 Ops/sec