HTML Preparation code:
<script src=''></script>
Script Preparation code:
var MyObject = {
  description: 'Creates a deep copy of source, which should be an object or an array.',
  myNumber: 123456789,
  myBoolean: true,
  jayson: {
    stringify: 'JSON.stringify() method converts a JavaScript value to a JSON string....',
    parse: 'JSON.parse() method parses a JSON string...'
function deepClone(preObj) {
    let newObj, value, key;
    if (typeof preObj !== "object" || preObj === null) {
        return preObj;
    newObj = Array.isArray(preObj) ? [] : {}
    for (key in preObj) {
        value = preObj[key];
        newObj[key] = deepClone(value);
    return newObj
var myCopy = null;
  • Lodash cloneDeep

    myCopy = _.cloneDeep(MyObject);
  • Json clone

    myCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(MyObject));
  • Fast deep clone

Rendered benchmark preparation results:

Suite status: <idle, ready to run>

Previous results

Experimental features:

  • Test case name Result
    Lodash cloneDeep
    Json clone
    Fast deep clone

    Fastest: N/A

    Slowest: N/A

Latest run results:
Run details: (Test run date: 4 months ago)
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:132.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/132.0
Firefox 132 on Windows
View result in a separate tab
Test name Executions per second
Lodash cloneDeep 718782.2 Ops/sec
Json clone 618543.6 Ops/sec
Fast deep clone 3291662.0 Ops/sec