es6 destructuring vs lodash _.get string and array keys with toPath and manual caching

compare performance of _.get to es6 desu
one year ago
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Test name Executions per second
wUmrLVWz 1.0 Ops/sec
wUmrLVWz 1.0 Ops/sec
wUmrLVWz 1.0 Ops/sec
wUmrLVWz 1.0 Ops/sec
wUmrLVWz 1.0 Ops/sec
wUmrLVWz 1.0 Ops/sec
wUmrLVWz 1.0 Ops/sec
wUmrLVWz 1.0 Ops/sec
HTML Preparation code:
Script Preparation code:
  • destructuring with defaults, empty input

  • lodash get, empty input

  • destructuring with defaults, find item

  • lodash get, find item

  • destructuring dynamic key

  • lodash dynamic key

  • lodash dynamic key using array

  • lodash dynamic key using manually cached array

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