Benchmark name When Created
find vs some - hvad er hurtigst?

What is the best

3 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs splice for joining two arrays fixed 3 years ago
Tree traverse: new vs copy 3 years ago
Lodash vs Ramda 0.27.0

For those who think speed is somehow the be-all and end-all, behold.

3 years ago

test negation

3 years ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign() 3 years ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign performance (test 2) 3 years ago
Conditionals (if-else, ternary, switch, object-function, object-plain) with last evaluation v3 (with obj-get!)

Stress testing ideas for possible and fastest condition searching

3 years ago
Conditionals (if-else, ternary, switch, object-function, object-plain,object-get)

Stress testing ideas for possible and fastest condition searching

3 years ago
Lodash sortBy vs array.prototype.sort primitive arr int 3 years ago
Lodash sortBy vs array.prototype.sort primitive 3 years ago
Lodash sortBy vs array.prototype.sort with small array 3 years ago
Lodash sortBy vs array.prototype.sort small array 3 years ago
Lodash sortBy vs array.prototype.sort 3 years ago
testqwe 3 years ago
get vs path 3 years ago
spread vs flat 3 years ago
Create new array and remove by splice vs copyWithin vs filter

Create new array and remove by splice vs copyWithin vs filter

3 years ago
variable assignment 3 years ago
Some vs Includes wtf 3 years ago
String concatenation vs array join1 3 years ago
Intl.DateTimeFormat.format2 3 years ago
Intl.DateTimeFormat.format 3 years ago
hiaosentuh 3 years ago
bruhbruh 3 years ago

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