Benchmark name When Created
Slice vs Pop vs index 2 years ago
Test of destructurization 2 years ago
random test benchmark asdasd 2 years ago

100k list splice and shift win, they mutate list slice loose, it creates a copy of list 7.5x slower

2 years ago
indexOf vs regex multiple cases 2 years ago
Map (Native vs Ramda vs Lodash) new

measures the speed of ramda's map vs Array's native map vs lodash map

2 years ago
Ramda vs. Lodash - New

Compares performance on the same task using Lodash vs two styles of Ramda vs two styles of "native" Javascript. In all cases the task is pulling "counter" property from each item in an array, filtering out odd items, squaring them, then returning those squared values that have less than two digits.

2 years ago
Object Literal x Switch x else if 2 years ago
Array split vs string substring+string.lastIndexOf 2 years ago
js array perfomance 2 years ago
Key lookup using different methods. 2 years ago
hasOwnProperty vs Map()

given if initialization and obj are both O(1) ,test the performance

2 years ago
map VS keys VS hasOwnProperty 2 years ago
keys VS map 2 years ago
Vanilla vs Cash vs Bliss vs jQuery JS Library Speed Test (2021.07.20) 2 years ago
decimal.js vs. native reduce


2 years ago
decimal.js vs. native

- - -

2 years ago
Array vs Object vs Map vs WeakMap access 22 2 years ago
TestInternal 2 years ago
inserBefore and removeChild vs replaceChild 2 years ago
dna test codility - slice vs nested for loop 2 years ago
chunk recursive VS while VS lodash.chunk round 2 2 years ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign performance - non-destructive merge 2 years ago
forEach vs reduce vs map vs filter vs for vs for...of 2 years ago
Unique elements of two arrays 2 years ago

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