Benchmark name When Created
Dompurify 2.3.3 vs sanitize-html 2 years ago


2 years ago
Ramda find benchmark test


2 years ago
filter-map vs reduce, fixed.

modified version of `map-filter vs reduce` that switches the order of operations

2 years ago
uniq indexOf vs lodash uniq 2 years ago
Lodash sortBy vs orderBy 2x

Lodash sortBy vs orderBy

2 years ago
Chaining concat, spread, push spread, push single 2 years ago
Chaining Push/Concat/Spread 2 years ago
Lodash cloneDeep VS spread operator cart cart 2 years ago
Regular expresion vs string manipulation

Get X and Y from the translate function in the transform attribute of an svg element

2 years ago
Array concat vs spread operator vs push2

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

2 years ago
reduce.concat() vs flat() vs spread2

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

2 years ago
Lodash 4.17.21 sumBy vs reduce 2 years ago
string vs char comparison 2 years ago
multi-condition 2 years ago
Instanceof vs string comparison vs property checking vs constructor comparison 2

Measure the performance of instanceOf operator vs comparing a basic string type. but more properties

2 years ago
Compare Nulling, undefining and deleting of Javascript Object vs Map

Im preparing the Object in every test as i only want to measure the actual changes

2 years ago
Compare to Map Operations

delete vs null vs undefined vs void 0 vs Object.create(null)

2 years ago
Map function performance test 2 years ago
Iteration compare vs substring compare v2

Compare iteration vs substrings when comparing against another string.

2 years ago
Iteration compare vs substring compare

Compare iteration vs substrings when comparing against another string.

2 years ago
delete vs null vs undefined vs void 0 vs Object.create(null) propertie

delete vs null vs undefined vs void 0 vs Object.create(null)

2 years ago
Object.values,, Object.keys Object.entires with a large objct 2 years ago
Object.values,, Object.keys Object.entires 2 years ago
typeof undefined vs === undefined 2 years ago

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