Benchmark name When Created
String() vs .toString() vs + string 2 years ago


2 years ago
JSON.parse vs replace.split 2 years ago
Namespacing id 5 2 years ago
jQuery parents() vs closest() speed performance comparison

Comparing performance of: Parent vs Closest

2 years ago
Lodash cloneDeep vs deepFreeze vs deepClone vs JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) 2 years ago
Lodash cloneDeep vs freeze vs monokee deepClone 2 years ago
for vs foreach vs some vs for..of non-empty array square root 1000 elements no console

Compare loop performance

2 years ago
for vs foreach vs some vs for..of non-empty array square root 1000 elements

Compare loop performance

2 years ago
for vs foreach vs some vs for..of non-empty array square root

Compare loop performance

2 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator larche

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

2 years ago
flatMap() vs map().flat() 2 years ago
Test long calcul 2 years ago
startswith vs indexof?? 2 years ago
flatMap() vs map().filter() v2

flatMap vs filter map

2 years ago
flatMap() vs map().filter() v1

flatMap vs filter map

2 years ago
JSON vs JS 2 years ago
slice vs substr vs substring (arbitrary arguments)

Compares slice, substr and substring to each other with arbitrary arguments

2 years ago
slice vs substr vs substring (with start index 0)

Compares slice, substr and substring to each other when the start index is 0

2 years ago
Array.filter vs. Array.indexOf + splice 2 years ago
Array.forEach vs for(const value of array) vs index vs Array.reverse + reversed index 2 years ago
uniq vs groupBy 2 years ago
Push vs Spread - 1 element v2

Testing Array.push vs spread operator for adding a single element to an array.

2 years ago
Push vs Spread - 1 element

Testing Array.push vs spread operator for adding a single element to an array.

2 years ago
forEach concat vs reduce push vs forEach push vs reduce concat performance test 2 2 years ago

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