Benchmark name When Created
Trimming leading/trailing string of characters one year ago
Move element inside array (v3) one year ago
Javascript v Jquery for BR

BR speed test for rudimentary versions

one year ago
for vs. for-of vs. join vs. reduce (concat strings)

Join an array of strings into one string.

one year ago
for vs. for-in vs. for-of vs. map vs. reduce (map object entries then join)

Apply a function to each key-value pair in the source object, then join the results into a string.

one year ago
for vs. for-in vs. for-of vs. reduce (map object values)

Make a new object by applying a function to each value of the source object.

one year ago
Lodash reduce vs transform vs Native reduce on object one year ago
Array.from() vs on NodeList one year ago
lodash mapValues vs vanilla Object.keys foreach vs lodash reduce one year ago
String concatenation vs concat method

Comparing string concatenation (+) vs concat method.

one year ago
querySelector data attribute without value vs class name one year ago
querySelectorAll data attribute without value vs class name one year ago
js methonds one year ago
Lodash flatten & map vs native js one year ago
Map.delete(key) VS Map.set(key, null), but with Maps

one year ago
Object.fromEntries vs reduce vs Map - Corrected fromEntries one year ago
slice vs substring (with end index)

Compares slice, substr and substring to each other when there is only a start index

one year ago
Find in array - 004 one year ago
Comparison benchmark <= vs < vs ==

which is faster to check for zero

one year ago
Array#push vs Array#apply

Comparing performance of: Array#push vs Array#apply

one year ago
equity async for vs promise.all one year ago
Fork TreeWalker vs querySelectorAll (* all elements)2 one year ago
Lodash cloneDeep vs JSON parse+stringify vs native deepClone vs structuredClone with large object one year ago
Lodash cloneDeep vs JSON parse+stringify vs native deepClone with large objects one year ago


one year ago

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