Benchmark name When Created
Lodash cloneDeep vs JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) one year ago
splice VS filter: filtering big list of elements

100k list

one year ago
slice VS splice VS shift: removing an elmeent from the middle

100k list splice and shift win, they mutate list slice loose, it creates a copy of list 7.5x slower

one year ago
Get attribute / dataset - performance one year ago
slice VS splice VS shift: who is the fastest to keep constant size (fork no string push)

100k list splice and shift win, they mutate list slice loose, it creates a copy of list 7.5x slower

one year ago
Lodash.set vs direct access one year ago
append one year ago
Direct call vs bind vs call vs apply with arg array one year ago
Array.from() vs new Array().fil() vs [..Array()]

Testing the difference between creating filled arrays.

one year ago
Array.from() vs new Array() vs [..Array()]

Testing the difference between creating filled arrays.

one year ago
node.contains() vs node.parentNode one year ago
Flooring with different Bitwise operators Fixed one year ago
Flooring with different Bitwise operators one year ago
Array loop vs foreach vs map vs for..of one year ago
compare arrays without order one year ago
Delete vs Undefined with Multiple Properties

Compare JavaScript deletion on object vs setting to undefined.

one year ago
Delete vs Undefined

Compare JavaScript deletion on object vs setting to undefined.

one year ago
Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 12) vs

Which is best for generating a unique key?

one year ago
int sum vs. +'int' sum corrected 2 one year ago
int sum vs. +'int' sum corrected one year ago
int sum vs. +'int' sum one year ago
json stringify vs String() vs int tostring one year ago
json stringify vs int tostring one year ago
Test floor one year ago
Test power of 2 one year ago

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