Benchmark name When Created
native findIndex vs lodash find element

Compare performance of native [].findIndex and _.find

one year ago
native findIndex vs lodash find elem

Compare performance of native [].findIndex and _.find

one year ago
Spreads vs concats one year ago
Vanilla JS VS JQuery AJAX perfomance updated

Vanilla JS VS JQuery AJAX perfomance

one year ago
uuid generation with crypto.getRandomValues and compare to crypto.randomUUID one year ago
native findIndex vs lodash findIndex test

Compare performance of native [].findIndex and _.findIndex

one year ago
Memory vs Local vs Session one year ago
Lodash sort vs ES5 sort when same functions are added one year ago
Lodash sort vs array.prototype.sort v3 one year ago
object spread vs immutable-js map, larger one year ago
number format parseInt, parsefloat one year ago
Array concat vs spread operator vs push spread vs push

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

one year ago
Macro replacement one year ago
condition check one year ago
clientWidth vs offsetWidth vs window.getComputedStyle vs getBoundingClientRect one year ago
splitted vs whole in large object one year ago
RegEx.test vs. String.toLowerCase().includes vs. String.match one year ago
LargeObject Lodash cloneDeep vs structuredClone vs JSON Parse

one year ago
string concatenation `` vs addition

string concatenation `` vs + measurement

one year ago
string concatenation `` vs +

string concatenation `` vs + measurement

one year ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Slice/Splice performance fork try 2 one year ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Slice/Splice performance fork try one year ago
drawImage() scaling up & down small performance one year ago
drawImage() scaling up & down performance one year ago
indexOf vs includes in strings one year ago

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