Benchmark name When Created
Object assign vs direct assignment by iterating keys without Object.keys

Should you be saving your fields to an object with Object.keys(toSave).forEach(k => ...) or by for(var i in object) { toSave[i] } or by Object.assign(destination, toSave);

one month ago
Regex vs String comparison one month ago
Math.min vs if/else vs ternary operator test 3

Quickest operation to return smaller of 2 numbers

one month ago
Math.min vs if/else vs ternary operator test 2

Quickest operation to return smaller of 2 numbers

one month ago
Array() vs Array.from() fill

Testing the difference between creating filled arrays.

one month ago
Array() vs new Array() fill

Testing the difference between creating filled arrays.

one month ago
isNumber vs unary cast one month ago
Cached querySelector single

Testing if caching querySelector makes a diference

one month ago
JS loops comparison one month ago
value comparison vs. JSON.stringify one month ago
ES6 Class vs Prototype vs Object Literal v3

Test the speed and memory usage using 3 different techniques for constructing class objects.

one month ago
Array 2000 spread vs concat one month ago
RegEx.test vs. String.includes vs. String.match vs String.replace vs String.replace classic one month ago
RegEx.test vs. String.includes vs. String.match vs String.replace one month ago
Compare typeof vs null check 2 one month ago
set.has vs. array.includes vs array.indexOf on big data one month ago
endsWith vs Regex aspx ending one month ago
endsWith vs Regex aspx one month ago
Set has vs object key 2

performance comparison of ways to find if an array contains a value

one month ago
Array Intersection vs. Set Intersection vs. Lodash part 6 one month ago
String() vs "as string"

Typescript check of 'String' vs 'as string'

one month ago
bitwise vs string compare one month ago
some vs for..of one month ago
11111111 one month ago
big for loop vs multiple small for loops one month ago

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