Benchmark name When Created
createElement vs cloneNode vs innerHTML (Apua)

Faster way to create new dom elements before insertion

one year ago
arr.slice() vs [...arr]

Test the .slice() method versus [...] when creating a new array from another one.

one year ago
Javascript Sorting Algorithms (Best case, almost ordered)

Port from jsperf( and

one year ago
doubleNot vs Boolean array filter one year ago

Produce a deep copy of a Javascript object where nested objects are not simply references to the originals.

one year ago
COPY TEST 3245235

Produce a deep copy of a Javascript object where nested objects are not simply references to the originals.

one year ago

Produce a deep copy of a Javascript object where nested objects are not simply references to the originals.

one year ago
Number vs + vs parseFloat + properties px one year ago
Parse s Stringify one year ago
comparison with 0 vs !! one year ago
native find vs lodash _.get & _.find

Lodash vs Native

one year ago
Classnames vs CLSX vs composeCssClass 03

Compare CLSX vs Classnames vs composeCssClass

one year ago
Sorting Test: Tim Sort

Tim Sort testing

one year ago
object merge one year ago
JSON.parse vs string.split - cognito groups one year ago
Ayman 050523 one year ago
String toLowerCase vs. Regex test

Different methods of checking whether a string contains upper-case letters

one year ago
Reduce spread vs push one year ago
Some vs. Filter vs. indexOf vs. Includes vs. Find [CORRECTED] one year ago
array.length vs array.length != 0 one year ago
MemoTest one year ago
Custom deep clone functions benchmark

Produce a deep copy of a Javascript object where nested objects are not simply references to the originals.

one year ago
lodash isEqual vs redux shallowEqual test 2 one year ago
Dot property set notation VS Lodash.set with deeply nested properties

Compares different approaches to set an object property

one year ago
lodash isEqual vs redux shallowEqual test 1 one year ago

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