Benchmark name When Created
.map.includes vs .filter with shuffle one year ago
RegExp unnecessary matches implications

Check if having unnecessary matches in a regular expression has some performance implication

one year ago
Console.log string vs object one year ago
Array.from() vs new Array(), filling with index

Testing the difference between creating arrays with different values in each position.

one year ago
Round Comparison one year ago
_.includes vs includes() 2 one year ago
includes vs has test one year ago
filter-map vs reduce 100k

modified version of `map-filter vs reduce` that switches the order of operations

one year ago
Array filter vs Lodash intersection 2 one year ago
Array filter vs Lodash intersection 1 one year ago
.map.includes vs .filter one year ago
Object.values vs spread operator (...) to clone arrays. one year ago
json stringify vs array tostring when long array one year ago
for-in vs object.keys vs object.keys + for loop one year ago
Object creation: arrow function vs. class with methods

Functions create a raw object, while class instances can rely on the prototype. Which one is faster?

one year ago
Web templating CSR benchmark one year ago
Web templating

Compare web templating: art template, lodash.template, handlebars...

one year ago
Latest Vanilla, Cash, jQuery, Zepto, Bliss, Umbrella, Ext - JS Library Performance Test one year ago
Object creation: arrow function vs. class

Functions create a raw object, while class instances can rely on the prototype. Which one is faster?

one year ago
Object creation: function vs. class

Functions create a raw object, while class instances can rely on the prototype. Which one is faster?

one year ago
bignumber.js vs. big.js vs. decimal.js (I)asd

- - -

one year ago
stupid test one year ago
var example = ['t', 'h', 'e', 'r', 'e', ' ', 'i', 's', ' ', 'n', 'o', ' ', 's', 'p', 'o', 'o', 'n'] one year ago
Mix jquery & vanilla one year ago
Class vs data attribute selectors one year ago

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