Benchmark name When Created
Fast Array lookup 7 years ago
For loop - in loop var hoisted or in loop braces 7 years ago
For loop var i init hoisted or in parenthesis 7 years ago
Date to time calculation

Comparison of different methods of converting a Date object to hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.

7 years ago
JSON with and without filter 7 years ago
Pick vs Switch

Tests filtering of object attributes.

7 years ago
empty an array in JavaScript?

Based on question on

7 years ago


7 years ago
JSON rw versus prototype 7 years ago
Math.pow vs Math.sqrt 7 years ago
Json parse 7 years ago
Document Fragment Tests 7 years ago
Time Difference Formatting

Determine the performance difference between a heavily modulo-based if chain and a one-line ternary solution.

7 years ago
Plus equals is slow 333

Why the hell 333

7 years ago
Plus equals is slow 222

Why the hell 222

7 years ago
Creep.getActiveBodyparts replacement

Testing lodash filter, lodash sum, and a custom function

7 years ago
getOwnPropertyNames vs loop vs cached property names 7 years ago
object comparison 7 years ago
List joining in jQuery 7 years ago
Testing ben 7 years ago
Testing ben 7 years ago
getOwnPropertyNames vs loop vs cached property names 7 years ago
getOwnPropertyNames vs loop vs cached property names 7 years ago
test for null(2) 7 years ago
test for null 7 years ago

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