Benchmark name When Created
decoding with JSON.decode and atob 7 years ago
decoding with JSON.decode and atob 7 years ago
decoding with JSON.decode and atob 7 years ago
jQuery - $(selector, context) VS $(context).find(selector) 7 years ago
Setting input placeholders

Setting and clearing placeholders on a lot of elements at once

7 years ago
es6 destructuring vs lodash _.get

compare performance of _.get to es6 desu

7 years ago
Var vs Let

Just a simple test with var/let performance in for loop

7 years ago
length vs !! 7 years ago
length vs !! 7 years ago
forEach vs manual 7 years ago
Data Properties vs. Accessor Properties vs. Getter / Setter Methods

The purpose of this benchmark is to determine the performance differences between data properties, accessor properties and getters / setter functions.

7 years ago
Lodash filter length vs sumby 7 years ago
Lodash filter length vs sumby 7 years ago
Lodash filter length vs sumby 7 years ago
Lodash filter length vs sumby 7 years ago
soa vs aos

As titled

7 years ago
soa vs aos

As titled

7 years ago
soa vs aos

As titled

7 years ago
soa vs aos

As titled

7 years ago
soa vs aos

As titled

7 years ago
soa vs aos

As titled

7 years ago
soa vs aos

As titled

7 years ago
Object Function vs Free Function 7 years ago
Function Wrapping 7 years ago
Prototypal Object-Property Method Call 7 years ago

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