Benchmark name When Created
Fastest way to double check value. 7 years ago
Most Significant Digit

Comparing the performance of finding the most significant digit (in base 10), utilizing string interpolation and also log().

7 years ago
Arguments vs. Rest

Which is faster to check if function has not been passed too many arguments?

7 years ago
Stack strategies 7 years ago
InAndOutScope 7 years ago
InAndOutScope 7 years ago
wyygoUfhcrzEqJb8aQVZyF2PFTky4fDV 7 years ago
aoA6ApW486QVzbnDH8DbTzRJQgUzwPmq 7 years ago
if ...// if compressed 7 years ago
if ...// if compressed 7 years ago
Linked List Queue vs Double Array Queue

Testing a linked list queue vs a double list queue for different performance scenarios.

7 years ago
single v double array queue 7 years ago
removeclass vs hide 7 years ago
addclass vs show 7 years ago
PwD84cTUCbiv4QqfvngndfD7u8sXdFuW-2 7 years ago
Object.assign vs prototype 7 years ago
Object.assign vs prototype 7 years ago
Object.assign vs prototype 7 years ago
Object.assign vs prototype 7 years ago
PwD84cTUCbiv4QqfvngndfD7u8sXdFuW 7 years ago
Testing JS Performance of deleting a large map.

In FF if the object being iterated over is large enough it will trigger an expensive cycle collection with Test #1. Test #2 runs approximately 100 times faster on FF. The difference is marginal in Chrome. To see the difference in timing, I recommend loading up the debugger console to see exactly how many ms each run takes.

7 years ago
Filter objects in array by attribute

Testing the cheapest pattern for filtering an array of objects based on attribute.

7 years ago
sha1asm 7 years ago
bytesToHex 7 years ago
Deep Object Diff: lodash.isEquals vs flitbit/diff vs angular.equals

Deep Object Diff: lodash.isEquals vs flitbit/diff vs angular.equals

7 years ago

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