Benchmark name When Created
Array comparison

Compare two arrays of length 100,000

6 years ago
Spread vs mutating 6 years ago
Spread vs mutating 6 years ago
Spread vs 6 years ago
Find text in dom 6 years ago
Building objects

Benchmarking building a collection of models from arrays of keys & values

6 years ago
drawImage: Copy from image or canvas 6 years ago
drawImage: Copy from image or canvas 6 years ago
lodash.each vs Object.forEach 6 years ago
bind vs call vs apply 6 years ago
Array vs Object 6 years ago
Call Array vs Object 6 years ago
Array vs Object 6 years ago
Array vs Object 6 years ago
Array vs Object 6 years ago
Some vs. Filter vs. indexOf 6 years ago
Some vs. Filter vs. indexOf 6 years ago
Some vs. Filter 6 years ago
Some vs. Filter 6 years ago
Setting Canvas Pixel 6 years ago
Setting Canvas Pixel 6 years ago
Function: typeof vs instanceof 6 years ago
findIndex vs map 6 years ago
Get props

Get nested props from object

6 years ago
Get props

Get nested props from object

6 years ago

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