Benchmark name When Created
Array.reduce vs for loop vs Array.forEach vs for of loop - 30

A test summing 1000 random numbers, 1 - 10000

6 years ago
Array.reduce vs for loop vs Array.forEach vs for of loop - 10000

A test summing 1000 random numbers, 1 - 10000

6 years ago
Array concat vs spread 6 years ago
Object speard vs assign 6 years ago
Immer (setAutoFreeze(false)) vs shallow vs ramda lens 6 years ago
Immer vs shallow vs ramda lens 6 years ago
Immer vs shallow copy 6 years ago
For-of vs While - Random v1.2 6 years ago
split or slice 6 years ago
Performance Test: substring vs substr vs slice 6 years ago
N x m vs M x n Loop run time

benchmark loop running times when iterating a long array through a short array vs short array through a long array.

6 years ago
Math.max with apply vs spread

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the Math.max.apply method

6 years ago
Date.parse vs new Date in milliseconds 6 years ago
jQuery by id vs Document.getElementById +1

Comparing speed of getting element by id with jQuery vs Vanilla JS

6 years ago
substr vs startsWith

test perf of substr vs startsWith

6 years ago
String concatenation test

Checking Template Literal vs String concat

6 years ago
Instly: String concat 6 years ago
for of vs forEach vs for 6 years ago
_.flow vs flew

Compare lodash flow with custom method

6 years ago
Absolute URL parsing


6 years ago
Ramda vs. Lodash vs Lodash fp What

Compares performance on the same task using Lodash vs Ramda vs Fastest Clone.

6 years ago
Lodash vs Lodash FP (filter, range, add, isEven, reduce) v4 6 years ago
Lodash reduce vs Lodash FP reduce 6 years ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator_

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

6 years ago
us object vs reduce 6 years ago

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