{"ScriptPreparationCode":"string = \u0022This is a benchmark to test if matching a regex is faster that splitting a string\\nThis is a benchmark to test if matching a regex is faster that splitting a string\\nThis is a benchmark to test if matching a regex is faster that splitting a string\\nThis is a benchmark to test if matching a regex is faster that splitting a string\\nThis is a benchmark to test if matching a regex is faster that splitting a string\\n\u0022;\r\nregex = /\\S\u002B/gi;","TestCases":[{"Name":"String.split","Code":"string.split(\u0022/\\r\\n|\\r|\\n/\u0022)","IsDeferred":false},{"Name":"Regex.match","Code":"string.match(\u0022/[^\\r\\n]\u002B/g\u0022)","IsDeferred":false}]}