{"ScriptPreparationCode":null,"TestCases":[{"Name":"1","Code":"const FunctionExtractRegex1 = /\\[(.\u002B)\\](\\((.*)\\))*/g;\r\nconst o = FunctionExtractRegex1.exec(\u00601. Call [calendar](\u0022get\u0022, \u0022yesterday\u0022) to get things planned for yesterday.\r\nOUTPUT: [[\u0022date\u0022: \u0022yesterday\u0022, ...], ...]\r\n2. Call [summarize](\u003Cstep 1.\u003E) to summarize all the planned stuff.\r\nOUTPUT: \u0022XYZ is for yesterday, YHX...\u0022\r\n3. Call [pass] to send the output to the AI.\r\n4. Call [calendar](\u0022get\u0022, \u0022next week\u0022) to get things planned for the next week.\r\nOUTPUT: [[\u0022date\u0022: \u0022next week\u0022, ...], ...]\r\n5. Call [summarize](\u003Cstep 4.\u003E) to summarize all the planned stuff.\r\nOUTPUT: \u0022XYZ is for the next week, YHX...\u0022\r\n6. Call [pass] to send the output to the AI.\u0060);\r\nconsole.log(o);","IsDeferred":false},{"Name":"2","Code":"const FunctionExtractRegex2 = /\\[(.\u002B)\\](\\((\u003C(step.*)\u003E|.*)\\))*/g;\r\nconst o = FunctionExtractRegex2.exec(\u00601. Call [calendar](\u0022get\u0022, \u0022yesterday\u0022) to get things planned for yesterday.\r\nOUTPUT: [[\u0022date\u0022: \u0022yesterday\u0022, ...], ...]\r\n2. Call [summarize](\u003Cstep 1.\u003E) to summarize all the planned stuff.\r\nOUTPUT: \u0022XYZ is for yesterday, YHX...\u0022\r\n3. Call [pass] to send the output to the AI.\r\n4. Call [calendar](\u0022get\u0022, \u0022next week\u0022) to get things planned for the next week.\r\nOUTPUT: [[\u0022date\u0022: \u0022next week\u0022, ...], ...]\r\n5. Call [summarize](\u003Cstep 4.\u003E) to summarize all the planned stuff.\r\nOUTPUT: \u0022XYZ is for the next week, YHX...\u0022\r\n6. Call [pass] to send the output to the AI.\u0060);\r\nconsole.log(o);","IsDeferred":false}]}