Run details:
Mozilla/5.0 (Android 13; Mobile; rv:109.0) Gecko/117.0 Firefox/117.0
Firefox Mobile 117
one year ago
Test name Executions per second
boolean array 25318.4 Ops/sec
typed Array with uInt8 14667.8 Ops/sec
boolean array - Strict 34226.9 Ops/sec
typed Array with uInt8 - Strict 14890.9 Ops/sec
weird boolean - Strict 117320.2 Ops/sec
uint8 .fill() 868638.3 Ops/sec
weird boolean - .fill 4747588.0 Ops/sec
Script Preparation code:
  • boolean array

  • typed Array with uInt8

  • boolean array - Strict

  • typed Array with uInt8 - Strict

  • weird boolean - Strict

  • uint8 .fill()

  • weird boolean - .fill