Run results for: Array.filter vs. raw for-loop vs. for..of vs. Array.reduce vs. generator spread
Changes in this fork include (but might not be limited to):
- Complete refactoring
- Fixed memory leak
- Even if you didn't run out of memory this still heavily affected performance, rendering the results basically useless.
- Attempted to make test cases less likely to be optimized away (larger array, randomized values)
- Changed to for..of
- One shouldn't use for array access. It doesn't behave like other loops in that:
1. It returns all enumerable properties in the entire prototype chain. Usually not a problem, but if you're using inheritance it might.
2. It doesn't visit empty slots. So if you created a sized array (i.e. new Array(123)) and looped over it with it would visit exactly 0 slots.
3. It returns indexes as strings. Could cause subtle bugs since it would work with abstract comparison operators more or less as though it was a number, but not so much with, for instance, the + operator.
- Added Array.reduce test
- Added generator test