Test name | Executions per second |
Using the spread operator | 31367270.0 Ops/sec |
Using Object.assign | 3469379.5 Ops/sec |
Well-known Keys, Manually copying properties | 719914304.0 Ops/sec |
Well-known Keys, Create new object while copying | 745517504.0 Ops/sec |
Statically create new same object from scratch | 739994112.0 Ops/sec |
Iterate Copy - Object.entries() | 2192555.2 Ops/sec |
Iterate Copy - for..in | 4871325.5 Ops/sec |
Iterate Copy - Object.keys().forEach | 2200771.2 Ops/sec |
Iterate Copy - Object.entries() + for..of | 2236970.0 Ops/sec |
Iterable | 419329.1 Ops/sec |
JSON Copy | 608850.4 Ops/sec |
structuredClone | 282568.2 Ops/sec |
Object Assign pre-created | 3350354.5 Ops/sec |
Well-Known Keys, forEach | 3417575.5 Ops/sec |
Well-Known Keys, for..of | 3714738.5 Ops/sec |
Well-Known Keys, for..in | 1563593.4 Ops/sec |
Well-Known Numbered Keynames w/Known Length | 1246324.4 Ops/sec |
Object.keys() + map | 2107892.5 Ops/sec |
Object.entries() + map | 1213452.5 Ops/sec |
Well-known Keys, Manually copying properties, [] accessor | 728586368.0 Ops/sec |
Well-known Keys, Create new object while copying, [] accessor | 736682240.0 Ops/sec |
Well-known Keys, extract and create new object while copying, . accessor | 724703360.0 Ops/sec |
Well-known Keys, extract and create new object while copying, [] accessor | 721244544.0 Ops/sec |