Run details:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.99 Safari/537.36
Chrome 97
3 years ago
Test name Executions per second
destructuring with defaults, empty input 9179333.0 Ops/sec
lodash get, empty input 2425443.0 Ops/sec
destructuring with defaults, find item 3070120.8 Ops/sec
lodash get, find item 1420202.6 Ops/sec
destructuring dynamic key 3121157.2 Ops/sec
lodash dynamic key 1258066.0 Ops/sec
lodash dynamic key using array 2013565.8 Ops/sec
lodash dynamic key using manually cached array 2055685.6 Ops/sec
HTML Preparation code:
<script src=""></script>
Script Preparation code:
function destructuringFn(input) {
  const { contextMenu: { data: { documents = [] } = {} } = {} } = input;
  return documents;
function destructuringFnDynamic(input, key) {
  const { contextMenu: { data: { [key]: documents = [] } = {} } = {} } = input;
  return documents;
function lodashFn(input) {
  const documents = _.get(input, '', []);
  return documents;
function lodashFnDynamic(input, key) {
  const documents = _.get(input, `${key}`, []);
  return documents;
function lodashFnDynamicArray(input, key) {
  const documents = _.get(input, ['contextMenu', 'data', 'key'], []);
  return documents;
let paths = {};
function lodashFnDynamicCachedArray(input, key) {
  paths[key] = paths[key] || _.toPath(`${key}`);
  const documents = _.get(input, paths[key], []);
  return documents;
function test(fn, input, key) {
  fn(input, key);
  • destructuring with defaults, empty input

    test(destructuringFn, {});
  • lodash get, empty input

    test(lodashFn, {});
  • destructuring with defaults, find item

    const input = { contextMenu: { data: { documents: [{ id: 'doc' }] } } };
    test(destructuringFn, input);
  • lodash get, find item

    const input = { contextMenu: { data: { documents: [{ id: 'doc' }] } } };
    test(lodashFn, input);
  • destructuring dynamic key

    const input = { contextMenu: { data: { documents: [{ id: 'doc' }] } } };
    test(destructuringFn, input, 'documents');
  • lodash dynamic key

    const input = { contextMenu: { data: { documents: [{ id: 'doc' }] } } };
    test(lodashFnDynamic, input, 'documents');
  • lodash dynamic key using array

    const input = { contextMenu: { data: { documents: [{ id: 'doc' }] } } };
    test(lodashFnDynamicArray, input, 'documents');
  • lodash dynamic key using manually cached array

    const input = { contextMenu: { data: { documents: [{ id: 'doc' }] } } };
    test(lodashFnDynamicCachedArray, input, 'documents');