Run details:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:77.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/77.0
Firefox 77
4 years ago
Test name Executions per second
destructuring with defaults, empty input 68897300.0 Ops/sec
lodash get, empty input 3063275.0 Ops/sec
destructuring with defaults, find item 18837910.0 Ops/sec
lodash get, find item 2160529.0 Ops/sec
destructuring null input 109658000.0 Ops/sec
lodash null input 53679820.0 Ops/sec
destructuring undefined input 111116400.0 Ops/sec
lodash undefined input 55228310.0 Ops/sec
destructuring dynamic key 19644850.0 Ops/sec
lodash dynamic key 2055997.0 Ops/sec
HTML Preparation code:
Script Preparation code:
  • destructuring with defaults, empty input

  • lodash get, empty input

  • destructuring with defaults, find item

  • lodash get, find item

  • destructuring null input

  • lodash null input

  • destructuring undefined input

  • lodash undefined input

  • destructuring dynamic key

  • lodash dynamic key